‘Original Painting for the Mural’

January 5, 2000 - April 3, 2000

There are innumerable examples murals, monuments and public art that Taro Okamoto created to be displayed in public spaces. As he said, ‘Everybody should be free to praise or criticize them without paying a penny, as if they belonged to them. It does not matter if people just pass them by without giving them a second look. That is okay. But some people will say that a picture is worth millions, reverentially storing it away out of sight without even looking at it. And they call that art?’ Art should be open and belong to everybody. This was where he focused his enthusiasm and cheerfully took up the challenge. He also had an outstanding spatial sense, allowing him to accurately grasp the overall environment of a place. As a result his works all fit in ideally with their surroundings.
Although these original paintings are small and rough, they establish a clear image of the whole space as it will be when the work is completed.