A Face is A Universe
July 14(Wed.)2021-November 14(Sun.)2021
A face is a universe.
A face is self, it is other, it is all.
The eyes are placed in the exact center. They are holes, one with the universe, allowing us to interact with it.
Every possible layer of beauty in the world possesses various faces and also eyes.
Round eyes, sharp eyes, sunken eyes…all types of eye glare, challenge, and confirm absolutes in each other.
The universe of a single face contains countless other faces, all with gleaming eyes.
They possess an indescribable feeling of reality .
Taro Okamoto
A face is a universe and its eyes are holes through which we interact with it.
This is what Taro Okamoto believed and for him the face was a special motif.
In fact, no matter which of his works you look at, it is sure to contain a face and also eyes.
This is because what Taro drew was ‘the universe,’ it was ‘life.’
Faces fill his canvases, exhibiting various expressions.
Seething with the power of life, their goggling eyes stare out at us.
This exhibition will focus on these ‘faces’ that represent an important connection, linking us with Okamoto’s art, and we hope that you will enjoy seeing the variety of faces he created during the course of his life.
Akiomi Hirano
Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum