Living Moment by Moment —Tarō Okamoto and Jazz—

Period: October 17, (Wed.) 2018 – February 24 2019 (Sun.) 2019

‘In my life I ignore the past and I ignore the future. I live in the present, exploding, moment by moment.’
Neither clinging to the past nor presuming upon the future.
This was the way that Tarō Okamoto lived.
He bet everything on the present moment.
There is a type of music that embodies this outlook on life perfectly.
The essence of jazz is to be found in improvisation and dialog. In jazz there is only the ‘now’.
Good jazz radiates enthusiasm, thrills and vitality.
Okamoto’s art is the same.
In this exhibition we will make a new departure and focus on ‘sound’.
An unexpected encounter between Okamoto’s paintings and jazz through the medium of sound.
We hope that you will come and enjoy this slightly different experience.