岡本太郎現代芸術賞は、岡本太郎の遺志を継ぎ、「時代を創造する者は誰か」を問うための賞。旧来の慣習や規範にとらわれず、 自由な視点と発想で創作活動を行う作家の活動を支援し、優れた業績を顕彰する目的で岡本太郎没後すぐに岡本太郎記念現代芸術大賞、 通称「TARO賞」として創設されました。

Taro Okamoto Award

The 28th (FY2024) Taro Okamoto Award

24 artists were selected from 579 entries.

The 27th (FY2023) Taro Okamoto Award

22 artists were selected from 621 entries.
Tsun won the TARO Award.
MISUMI Hitomi won the Toshiko Award.

The 26th (FY2022) Taro Okamoto Award

23 artists were selected from 595 entries.
4 artists won the special award.

The 25th (FY2021) Taro Okamoto Award

24 artists were selected from 578 entries.
Yoshimoto Reika won the TARO Award.
Mitsuzuka Shinji won the Toshiko Award.

The 24th (FY2020) Taro Okamoto Award

24 artists were selected from 616 entries.
Onishi Chifu won the TARO Award.
Morison Kobayashi won the Toshiko Award.

The 23rd (FY2019) Taro Okamoto Award

23 artists were selected from 452 entries.
Nonowe Akihito won the TARO Award.
Nemoto Yuko won the Toshiko Award.

The 22nd (FY2018) Taro Okamoto Award

25 artists were selected from 416 entries.
Hiwa Kazuhiko won the TARO Award.
Kazama Tengshing won the Toshiko Award.

The 21st (FY2017) Taro Okamoto Award

26 artists were selected from 558 entries.
Saiakunanachan won the TARO Award.
Yumisashi Kanji won the Toshiko Award.

The 20th (FY2016) Taro Okamoto Award

26 artists were selected from 499 entries.
Yamamoto Naoki won the TARO Award.
Ihara Koro won the Toshiko Award.
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